IA’s Topsoil Rule: Changes Could Worsen Flooding by John Michaelson, Public News Service-IA

(06/27/14) DES MOINES, Iowa – In an agricultural state such as Iowa, topsoil is one of the most valued natural resources. But concerns are being raised about possible changes to the state’s rules about replacing topsoil at construction sites.

As it stands now, if one acre or more of land is disturbed during construction of a home or business and there’s at least four inches of topsoil present, it must be restored unless that isn’t feasible. Some developers want that requirement eased because of cost, so options are now being considered, according to Adam Schnieders with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

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Looking for the straight scoop — Will Iowa’s topsoil rule get bulldozed? by Todd Dorman

Some folks are looking hard for more dirt on Gov. Terry Branstad’s administration.

I’m just looking for some in my yard.

Nearly seven years ago, we moved from an older neighborhood in Ames to our newish, late ’90s subdivision on the north side of Marion. When the first spring in our new digs arrived, we set out to do some landscaping, flower beds, bushes, etc.

What we found out fast was that our sod was sitting on thick, compacted clay subsoil. Whatever topsoil had existed before this cornfield became a housing development was pretty much gone. It was an unpleasant surprise. I later learned that builders often strip the topsoil to make it easier to use heavy equipment on a worksite and speed up building. And in many cases, they don’t put much, or any, of it back. Sometimes, the topsoil is sold.

Now, whenever I plant anything in our yard, in fertile Iowa, for Pete’s sake, I have to buy dirt in a bag from a store. And having any decent grass means dumping a bunch of chemicals on my lawn. This is not an unusual story in the sprawling subdivisions of suburban Iowa.

“Most subsoils in Iowa are clay-based. The permeability is low to begin with,” said Joe Griffin, who leads the wastewater permitting program for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. “And then run over it a few times with large equipment, that does not increase the permeability. When they’re done building the lots, they put a layer of sod on, which has a layer of topsoil on it. But it’s a small layer, three-quarters of an inch to an inch.”

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Five Farms Documentary Features Griffieon Family Farm

The Five Farms documentary followed five families over the course of a yearlong cycle of seasons in order to help people make the connection between the food on their tables, the farmers who work to produce it, and the value of the farmland they care for.

The Griffieon Family Farm, north of Ankeny, was one of five farms from across the country selected to participate in the documentary. When asked to summarize why she wanted to participate in the documentary, LaVon Griffieon said “Basically, to educate Americans about where their food comes from and the security of local food production. A community that hasn’t preserved enough farmland to feed itself is NOT sustainable.”

Visit the Five Farms  website to find out more about the project, read stories from the families, listen to the radio features and learn what it takes farm and produce the food we depend on.

Saving Farms in a Strange New Way

Scott County plans to be the first metro-area country to try a new tool for preserving farmland for good.

by David Peterson, Star Tribune

November 2, 2010

Joe Adams just hates the fact that his postal address is Shakopee.

Shakopee, to him, is the “Army barracks” he sees lining Hwy. 169 – unadorned townhome complexes that he’s convinced will be slums in 20 years, if not before.

His own spread many miles south of that city, with its 17 types of culinary herbs and its brilliantly colored rows of native-prairie wildflowers and its child visitors chasing frogs near a lake with trumpeter swans? Not Shakopee.

Yet a new approach to saving swatches of Scott County’s farmland from the slow march of suburbs across the countryside could bring those two worlds into either a closer embrace – or a collision.

Scott is moving toward becoming the first metro-area county to adopt a strategy associated mainly with densely settled East Coast states: A trading system for building rights.

Called Transfer of Development Rights, or TDR for short, the system aims to compensate farmers for the money they give up by not selling prime farmland to developers. In exchange, a developer gets the right to squeeze in extra housing units someplace else.

“It’s an ingenious idea that has been tried in hundreds of places around the country,” said Armando Carbonell, senior fellow at the Cambridge, Mass.-based Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. “It has worked extremely well for some – and for some not at all.”That became apparent last week to a roomful of Scott County folks gathered in New Prague to hear about the experiences of three Minnesota counties that have tried it.

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View Five Decades of Land Use Changes

In October, the Iowa DNR announced completion of a mapping system showing five decades of changes to the landscape. The public can view how development and urbanization has changed, growth patterns in their communities, and much more. Read the press release from the Iowa DNR to appreciate the work that went into this project, and visit the Historic Aerial Photo Project to see what your neighborhood looked like in the past!

If you have stories about the local landscape has changed you’re willing to share, please email your memories and observations to kfoi@1000friendsofiowa.org, or use the contact form below.

Awards Program Redefines How Sustainable Projects are Recognized


November 11, 2014

Media Contact: Siobhan Spain, 515-707-2783, awards@1000friendsofiowa.org

Awards Program Redefines How Sustainable Projects are Recognized

It’s not just for green building: 1000 Friends of Iowa’s Best Development Awards program helps raise awareness of the wide-ranging efforts happening across the state that enrich our economy, environment and social well-being.

DES MOINES, Iowa – 1000 Friends of Iowa’s annual Best Development Awards offer the most comprehensive recognition program in the state by including not only sustainable commercial, civic and residential property developments, but also storm water management, urban agriculture and nature preservation projects. With a mission focused solely on responsible land use, 1000 Friends of Iowa seeks any nomination project that adheres to Smart Growth principles for creating healthy communities and strong local businesses. The Best Development Awards application deadline is November 30th and the nomination form with guidelines is available at 1000FriendsofIowa.org.

Categories include New Residential; Renovated Residential; New Commercial/Civic; Renovated Commercial/Civic; Mixed Use; Leadership; and Storm Water Management.

The winners of the Best Development Awards are models of how responsible urban, suburban and rural development practices provide benefits to the local economy, the environment, and quality of life for future generations. The Awards showcase the hard work happening in our communities and inspire collaborative projects that make Iowa great.

There is no entry fee and individuals, contractors, architects, developer, cities, organizations, businesses and others are encouraged to apply. Recipients receive a plaque recognizing their achievement, publicity during announcement of winners, and recognition in 1000 Friends of Iowa’s educational materials, social media and website.

For additional information please visit 1000FriendsofIowa.org, or contact Siobhan Spain at awards@1000friendsofiowa.org or 515-707-2783.


Field Trip to Griffieon Family Farm

The Raising Arrows Homeschool Co-op visited the Griffieon Family Farm on September 11, 2014. It was cold – but the kids didn’t seem to mind! The chickens, turkeys, horses, buildings and machinery captivated the class. They even enjoyed a little free time in the field! The sights, smells and feel of life on a farm create memories and help children (and adults) make connections to the world around them. The Griffieons have hosted countless field trips over the years, educating kids about land use, inspiring young minds and having fun in the process!

MPO Extends Deadline for Public Comments

The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will host an additional public comment open house on Wednesday, October 29 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., at the MPO office located at 420 Watson Powell Jr. Parkway, Suite 200 in downtown Des Moines. Comments on the plan will be accepted through Wednesday, November 19 and can be emailed to info@dmampo.org.  Read the draft long-range transportation plan,  Mobilizing Tomorrow, on the MPO website here.

People United for Responsible Land Use