The Gallery Garden is a unique, urban-style park created to address stormwater management and implement several green infrastructure elements and adds a strong sense of placemaking to the Main Street area.
Prior to development, this site held a 3-story historic building that was demolished from a fire. The current owners used smart growth principles to convert it into a popular destination for the benefit of the community.
Rainwater storage and treatment mitigates issues onto nearby a parking lot and alley; rainwater harvesting supplies irrigation for the 900 plants on its focal green wall, fills the evaporative fountain, and irrigates the site’s trees and shrubs. The Gallery Garden also has permeable pavers and a bioswale rain garden for water infiltration. Moreover, it has 32 solar panels, producing 7000 watts of electricity. These panels run the pumps, lights, cameras, and a portion of the house meter of the neighboring building, making this a net-zero energy site.
The visual impact and sustainability of this project has enhanced downtown and economic development. The Gallery Garden is open to the public and is a popular place for many people to enjoy the outdoors. It has become an attraction for the entire community regardless of background. In addition to having art on display year-round, the Garden acts as a common site for photo sessions, events, meals, and tour groups.
The owners have presented formally and informally to groups and visitors on the stormwater management details encompassed in the Garden. Brochures and exterior signage give technical details of the project so visitors learn and better understand how this project impacts environmental sustainability.