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Hike the Wild

Dickinson County Nature Center 2279 170th St., Spirit Lake, IA, United States

Take a hike at the Little Sioux Savanna and enjoy one of the newest additions to the conservation board and learn about this unique Iowa landscape. No registration required. For more information about ongoing hikes in Dickinson County, visit  

The 2016 Loess Hills Prairie Seminar

Loess Hills Wildlife Area 178th St. & Oak Ave., Castana, IA, United States

"Fascinations of the Loess Hills" is the 40th annual Loess Hills Prairie Seminar where families and people of all ages can enjoy sessions about birds, plants, insects, photography, history, soil, ecology, prairie management, writing, Native American heritage, farming, storytelling, and more. Don't miss the campfires both Friday and Saturday night from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. … Continue reading The 2016 Loess Hills Prairie Seminar

Broken Heartland Bakken Rally at the Capitol

Iowa State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

Think the Bakken Pipeline is a bad deal for Iowa? Join the Broken Heartland rally! We know it is not a “done deal” and will continue our Summer of Resistance against the Bakken Pipeline, Monday, June 6, at 1:30-2:30 pm, at the Granite Map of Iowa on the State Capitol grounds*. Seven Iowans will speak about … Continue reading Broken Heartland Bakken Rally at the Capitol

Windsor Heights Garden Tour 2016

Featuring seven unique garden places and spaces, this year’s garden tour is free. There will be free will donation containers at each of the gardens on the tour. Donations will be used to support and develop a butterfly garden at Colby Park .  All of the gardens provide ideas for your own yard and demonstrate … Continue reading Windsor Heights Garden Tour 2016

“River Stories: Views from an Iowa Watershed”

Town/Craft Center 1122 Willis Ave., Perry, IA, United States

The exhibit was created by a group of six area women landowners this spring. Local landowners Courtney Tournis, Chris Henning, Jan Kaiser, Danielle Wirth, Patti Edwardson, and Colleen Radebaugh took part in a participatory project documenting their experiences in the watershed through photographs and short narratives, or “photostories.” They will share these photostories at the event. … Continue reading “River Stories: Views from an Iowa Watershed”

Stormwater Design Series: Runoff reduction modeling of GSI

This webinar is one in a series of six webinars hosted by the Iowa Storm Water Education Program that begins June 14 and runs through November 2016. June 14: Runoff reduction modeling of GSI What would it look like if you could locate and preliminarily investigate green infrastructure sites in a matter of minutes?  Using … Continue reading Stormwater Design Series: Runoff reduction modeling of GSI

Third Annual Pro H2O: Thirsty for Change

Noce 1326 Walnut St., Des Moines, IA, United States

Join the Iowa Environmental Council for an evening with like-minded friends to celebrate and support a shared vision for clean water, healthy land, and continued advocacy for Iowa's environment. Special Guest Speaker is Chris Kolb, co-chair of the Flint Water Crisis Task Force. Honorees to be recognized at this year's event include Tom Hadden, Susan Heathcote, … Continue reading Third Annual Pro H2O: Thirsty for Change

Iowa’s Drinking Water: Could Flint Happen Here?

Iowa Events Center - HyVee Hall 730 3rd St., Des Moines, IA, United States

This symposium will explore the current state of Iowa’s drinking water and the future challenges confronting water providers in the state to reliably deliver safe drinking water to Iowans.  Co-organized by the University of Iowa Public Policy Center and the Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination (CHEEC), this all day event will include panels … Continue reading Iowa’s Drinking Water: Could Flint Happen Here?

7th Annual Iowa Trails Summit

University of Northern Iowa’s (UNI) Center For Energy & Environmental Education 8106 Jennings Drive Cedar Falls, IA, Cedar Falls, IA, United States

The 7th Annual Iowa Trails Summit brings together a diverse group of people – from great thinkers and experts at connecting people and ideas, to people that share a passion for outdoor recreation, the natural environment, and community development. This award-winning event, recognized by the National Park Service’s Mid America Trails & Greenways for its … Continue reading 7th Annual Iowa Trails Summit

Protect Our Rivers Flotilla & Community Gathering

Unnamed Venue Norton's Ford Access, Pilot Mound, IA, United States

All are welcome to join the Bakken Pipeline Resistance coalition for all or part of the day as they continue to work together to stop the Bakken Pipeline. Bring your kayak or canoe if you can. We will have canoes for those without boats. If you prefer not to paddle,  volunteers are needed to help … Continue reading Protect Our Rivers Flotilla & Community Gathering