
Transportation is a critical part of all of our lives. We all have to get around — to work, for access to food and necessities, for fun. There is no avoiding the need for transportation systems.

However, how we design those transportation systems is critical. 1000 Friends of Iowa believes we need to rethink our current transportation systems and think about how we can make them better.

Much of how we have historically designed our transportation systems, roadways and byways has created bigger problems then it has solved.

Many of our urban highway and freeway systems have divided communities, leading to segregation, and inequities.  

The spread of highways has also fueled urban sprawl and with it, the loss of farmland and natural areas, a divestment in city centers, threats to food supplies, and the increase of carbon emissions.

Luckily, there is a better way. Many communities are embracing multi-modal transportation, complete streets concepts, 15-minute cities, road narrowing, expansion of public transit, increasing walkability and bikeability.

1000 Friends of Iowa addresses Transportation issues by:

  • Monitoring local, state and federal transportation policy
  • Conducting research
  • Disseminating information through Action Alerts and Public Policy Updates to our members
  • Citizen engagement
  • Advocating for smart transportation alternatives and multi-modal transportation options that work for everyone.

Here are some resources that we really like that are helpful in rethinking how we need to revamp our transportation system.

Check out our new Transportation Advocacy Tool Kit! Leveraging Federal Dollars for Clean Transportation Advocacy Tool Kit.

Check out the report we commissioned: Flex Your Grants: Leveraging Federal Dollars for Clean Transportation.

Check out our new report! Transportation Planning for People and the Climate!And Check out the Webinar just click here for the webinar!

Check out our webinar: The Crossroads of Sustainability and Transportation in Des Moines. 

Communities Charging Ahead an EV Vehicle Toolkit

The Low Emissions Transportation Toolkit

All Transportation is Local — A field guide for city officials.

Climate Change and Transit

Stay tuned for ways to take action.

Visit to view the map and list of all metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning affiliations, and council of governments across Iowa.

People United for Responsible Land Use